Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Latest PW Page


Anonymous said...

Great strip, Mike! Just one little crit on the ukulele. The hole is more towards the top and the fingerboard should come down to meet it.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Okay, the above deleted comment was my boo-boo. `Twas not some obscene remark or anything like that, I hadn't logged in my identity and after doing so hit the RESEND button. By doing so my comment got cloned. (Hope this doesn't happen again :-)

Mike Adair said...

Hey Zeb,
I've done that before. It always appears as if you've typed something naughty. But I assumed it was a duplicate post.
And, yeah, should've checked on uke's accuracy. I'm going to chalk it up to being handmade by Pee Wee. When in doubt, always blame a kid.