Thursday, October 20, 2011

Good Evening Ladies and Germs...

Well, it's that time of the year when we fire up the glue guns and try to remember how the sewing machine works. This year the kids have expressed a desire to be germs for Halloween and here's the run-down. The youngest will be a Paramecium (pictured), next up will be an ameba and finally the oldest will don the diarrhea inducing apparel of the dreaded, Cryptosporidium, the scourge of late summer that closed the pools early. What could be scarier?

The food vacuole is left open at the gullet for her stash of treats.


bookman187 said...

This is sooooo great! Very original

I'm going to my first Halloween costume party in over 30 years on the 29th. Don't know what I'll "be", but it won't be as good as a germ.

I have been leaving messages on people's voice mails at work and at the end I tell them to move the receiver a little away from their ear. I then push the HOOPS and YOYO button that says don't push the button. So far only people saying I made their day, which means you made their day.

Mike Adair said...

Hey, that's a great use of the button! I'll pass that along to Bob and Bev!

Have fun at the party. I think Laura and I are going along with the germs as doctors. Maybe I should locate a hazmat suit and carry a can of Lysol!

Jay Watson said...

Very creative Mike. You're like the best Dad in the world. I still remember that awesome Robot costume you made for David last All Hallow's Eve. But this "germ"idea is so "catchy"... it's going to be infectious when other Moms and Dads see these three and feel shamed that their kids aren't as botualistic!

Mike Adair said...

LOL r/e! I'll try to post the pic of the Crypto costume today. Seems like I was sewing all weekend. I think it came together ok. Least they'll be warm!

Shelley Noble said...

A-DOOR-A_Bllllle! So great. Great work, one and all.

Mike Adair said...

Thanks Shelly!