These ain't no mambie-pambie cookies, these things can re-part your hair! The recipe is from my gracious and talented friend, Pam Sherrod and they are by far my favorite cookie. Next time I think I'm going to drop in some Tabasco just for grins. Be warned that if you make these you will have chunks of ginger and pepper between your teeth for the rest of the day. Don't hide it. Your broad smile shows the world that you're proud to be part of the Pammy's Outrageous Ginger Cookies family.
Mix: 1 egg, 3/4 cup of shortening, 1 cup brown sugar, 1/4 cup molasses
Then add and mix well:
A whole lot of ginger (several big hunks peeled and chopped. Impossible to add too much!)
2 and 1/4 cup flour, 2 tsp soda, 2 T black pepper (I like to use fresh ground pepper), 1/4 tsp ground clove, 1-2 tsp coriander, 1/2 tsp salt, 1 tsp cinnamon, (You may add some allspice or nutmeg, too, if you like).
Make spoonful balls and roll them in white sugar
Place them on greased cookie sheet a couple of inches apart (They don't spread too much).
Bake at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes.